14 September 2024
Calling Notice for the RNRU Clubs Annual General Meeting 2024
Written by Company Secretary: R Stanbridge

The Royal Navy Rugby Union Clubs Annual General Meeting will take place on Wednesday 13 November 2024 at 1400 in the Lecture Theatre, HMS TEMERAIRE.
The programme will follow a similar format to previous events whereby the Chair will get it underway with introductory remarks before the Executive Committee members deliver their annual reports. These will be followed by an open discussion and opportunity to raise points/ ask questions.
Additional items for inclusion on the agenda should be forwarded to the RNRU Company Secretary (ruth.stanbridge100@mod.gov.uk) no later than Friday 25 October 2024. This date is also the deadline for when reports are to be received from RNRU Executive Committee Members, Chairs RNRURS, US Portsmouth RFC and Devonport Services RFC as well as Regional PDev Officers. The agenda and supporting papers will be distributed NLT Friday 1 November 2024. Copies of these documents will not be available at the meeting; therefore, you are asked to either you bring your own copies with you or have access to an e-copy at the meeting. It is a requirement of the RNRU Constitution for the Company Secretary to inform you in advance of any proposed amendments to the RNRU Bylaws; these will be forwarded NLT Wednesday 2 October 2024.
At the AGM the following will be discussed:
- seek approval of the minutes of the 2023 AGM
- deliver Executive Committee Member reports (including the financial accounts)
- count the votes and declare the result of each motion
- provide answers to any questions raised by members
- deal with ‘any other business'.
Your attendance, or that of a representative from your unit/club, is highly valued by the management of Navy Rugby as it is the main forum for this body to understand the views and aspirations of our clubs. It is also an ideal opportunity to discuss how changes within the RFU will affect our business while also giving members of the RNRU Executive Committee the opportunity to update you on their respective area.
Recreational Travel is chargeable to individual unit budgets authorised by JSP752 Chapter 4 Section 8. Wherever possible, representatives travelling from the same area are to share transport.
Nil returns and vehicle registration details (where applicable) are required.
For a registration form please email the Company Secretary.
We are looking forward to seeing you.